Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back again...

It's been a few weeks since my last entry and I've decided that I'm a horrible blogger. I am very sporadic and would like to post more often. Unfortunately, my busy schedule is to blame. Maybe someday, I can actually blog on a regular basis. Because, let's face it, you all are DYING to read my daily entries!

Update #1 (for those who don't know or haven't seen) - I recently chopped nearly ALL of my hair off! Yep, I had 16" cut off and donated 2 very thick pigtails to Locks of Love. I've been wanting a major change for a while, but couldn't get the guts. I finally reached the point of full on annoyance with my mass of curly hair, that cutting 16" was PAINLESS! I didn't even flinch!

So far, I have no regrets and am really enjoying the new 'do. I can't believe how much easier life is with short hair. Seriously. It's easier. I'm not making this up! For the record, I lost 3 pounds of hair...3 POUNDS! That. Is. Ridiculous. 'Nuff said.

I've run a few more races since my last post. They have both gone well. Most recently, I ran a 5K and hit a big PR. My goal this year was to break 24:00, and I came close in April, with a 24:10. With all the speed work I've been doing, I was 90% sure that I'd break 24:00, but didn't expect my 23:21 final time. Total surprise!

This was the Especially For You 5K (benefits breast cancer research) and I ran in honor of my Aunt Marilyn. She must have been pushing me along, because I felt pretty good throughout! It was incredible to see over 15,000 people out walking/running for this great cause. What a sight!

So now, my new goal is to break through...23:00? Seriously? I would NEVER have set that as a goal. For some, that might seem easy, but that's a time/pace that wouldn't have occurred to me until this past Sunday.

I'll say it again...Our bodies are AMAZING!!! I don't think I could have run a 23:21 5K when I was in college. So, to run that 10 years later is exciting!

In other news, my fave workout buddy, Carrie, is back in town. So, we are taking advantage of running/biking together and catching up, which has been fun! She's joining me for my final 20 miler this weekend.

My 8th marathon is only a few weeks away and I couldn't be more excited! Life is somewhat stressful/busy/overwhelming lately, and I'll take any break/vacation I can get. Even if it involves me running 26.2 miles.

At age 33, I still haven't learned the word NO. There are multiple "adds" in my life right now that I need to just say NO to and/or quit. If I don't, I'll never get sleep or time to clean my house. Or, time to just SIT.

So, here's to REST! May I get plenty of it in the next few weeks leading up to the marathon!