Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The joy of the flu...

Ah yes, folks, yours truly is recovering from a super fun bout with the flu. Sense the sarcasm? Oh, and we're not talking about the "cold" type of flu, we're talking full on puking. It started Monday night and I'm praying it will be over tonight (Wednesday). On the up side, I've lost 7 pounds. Yay skinny jeans! On the down side, I'm pretty sure I never want to eat again.

I hate the flu! I realize no one actually likes it, but it's just so horrible. The flu makes you puke, which is, in and of itself, awful. Beyond that, it literally sucks the life out of you. You know you need to eat, because your body is empty, and yet, you are terrified to eat anything. So, you don't eat and you lay in bed all day feeling weak. The best part is when the pounding headache kicks in, that was so much fun.

I wanted to try and eat yesterday, but was too nervous. I was brave and made a super quick trip to the Casey's down the street. It had been about 12 hours since my last RUN to the bathroom, so I figured I was safe. I had my 3 bottles of 7up and I was on my way home. About 2 minutes from my house, I could tell I wouldn't make it TO my house without being sick. Oh yes folks, I had to stop in front of the daycare a few blocks from my house, open my car door, and get sick. If ever there was a low point... Luckily, my friend Carrie called later that afternoon and made a Target run for me. I wasn't about to risk roadside puking again. Thanks Carrie!

Today was still a little iffy, but when I was able to keep down a bowl of rice krispies and a banana, I counted my blessings. Here's to NONE of you getting the flu - I do not recommend it!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Marathon #4

Well folks, I did it. I just completed my 4th marathon...and it wasn't pretty. I was primed and ready to have a terrific race. My legs felt good and I was motivated to PR huge!

I ran the Des Moines Marathon, known to be quite hilly for miles 3-8. I did my best to stay positive and build myself up during the hills, but unfortunately, my legs felt differently. At mile 8 my legs felt as if I'd already run a full marathon. It was mentally tough to imagine that I STILL had to run 18.2 more miles! Nevertheless, I reached the halfway point in under 2 hours. I was exhausted though and couldn't imagine having to run another half.

It was wonderful to see my dad and friends Sarah & Aaron at a few points throughout. It definitely motivated me to continue! My friend Nate met me at about 20 miles and ran the rest with me.

I finished in 4:20, well past my goal time, but I guess I need to just chalk it up to a bad day. I'll reach my goal next time, right?

I know, I're thinking, "Mariah, next time? Are you crazy?" The answer is yes, I'm a bit on the crazy side.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tall girls...

OK, I'd like to set the record straight for what is appropriate to say to a tall girl. I've been taller than other girls most of my life and I've heard about everything there is to say.

I think it's safe to say, for the most part, that tall girls are already a little self conscious of their height. We don't need it pointed out to us on a regular basis.

Case in point:

Yesterday morning, at work, I was downstairs with a couple of male co-workers/friends. One of them, we'll call him "Sid," says to me, "Are you wearing heels today, because you seem taller? I mean, you're already a mammoth..."

Oh yes folks, you read that right, he said MAMMOTH! Now, I had not provoked this in any way. The first word to describe me and my crazy tallness was MAMMOTH. I was shocked! I know he wasn't really serious, but I had to give him a hard time.

When we were back up on our floor, I made sure everyone knew what he said. (joking around of course) I told him that in no way would any tall girl take being described as a mammoth, as a compliment.

I then sent a picture of a mammoth to him and asked, "What makes me so similar - my tusks or my ability to walk on all fours?"

This guy happens to be on the shorter side and it later occurred to me that I don't point out to him or other guys like him how short they are!

PLEASE do NOT point out to me or other tall girls that we're tall. Guess what? I know! I'm fully aware of my height and I'm fine with it.

One more tip:

Do NOT say, "You're a big girl." Guess what, just because we're tall doesn't mean we're BIG. I really don't consider myself a big gal and who would WANT to hear that anyway?

This is a public service announcement dedicated to all you tall, beautiful ladies out there!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The art of patience...

Hello friends! I know I've been neglecting my blog lately, but my life is a little hectic right now. I feel like I'm always running around! Anyhoo, a few weeks ago I saw the movie "Fireproof" with my friend Carrie. It's a Christian film about a firefighter whose marriage is falling apart. His father challenges him to a 40 day "love dare" before he files for divorce. He doesn't take it seriously at first, but then discovers he truly wants to save and "fireproof" his marriage. For those that don't know, our fave smart aleck from Growing Pains, Kirk Cameron, plays the lead.

I encourage you to see and support this film and it's positive message!

Since I'm not married, I saw this movie from a different perspective. I thought about my parents' marriage and whether it could have been "fireproofed." I'm not saying I believe in people getting divorced without trying to resolve their issues. However, I think some couples just aren't meant to be. I believe my childhood would have been more painful had my parents stayed together "for the kids."

The best thing I took away from this film was the music. It was AMAZING!

Please take the time to listen to this song and watch the video (clips from the film). John Waller's "While I'm Waiting" really gets to the heart of what it means to be a patient Christian in waiting for God's plan to unfold. I need this patience in so many areas of my life (I'm sure some of you can guess the big one). I learn something new from the song every time I hear it!

My other fave song from the movie is "Love Is Not A Fight" by Warren Barfield. This song stresses what love truly IS! "Love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for."
Check it out!

I hope you enjoy!