Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The art of patience...

Hello friends! I know I've been neglecting my blog lately, but my life is a little hectic right now. I feel like I'm always running around! Anyhoo, a few weeks ago I saw the movie "Fireproof" with my friend Carrie. It's a Christian film about a firefighter whose marriage is falling apart. His father challenges him to a 40 day "love dare" before he files for divorce. He doesn't take it seriously at first, but then discovers he truly wants to save and "fireproof" his marriage. For those that don't know, our fave smart aleck from Growing Pains, Kirk Cameron, plays the lead.

I encourage you to see and support this film and it's positive message!

Since I'm not married, I saw this movie from a different perspective. I thought about my parents' marriage and whether it could have been "fireproofed." I'm not saying I believe in people getting divorced without trying to resolve their issues. However, I think some couples just aren't meant to be. I believe my childhood would have been more painful had my parents stayed together "for the kids."

The best thing I took away from this film was the music. It was AMAZING!

Please take the time to listen to this song and watch the video (clips from the film). John Waller's "While I'm Waiting" really gets to the heart of what it means to be a patient Christian in waiting for God's plan to unfold. I need this patience in so many areas of my life (I'm sure some of you can guess the big one). I learn something new from the song every time I hear it!

My other fave song from the movie is "Love Is Not A Fight" by Warren Barfield. This song stresses what love truly IS! "Love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for."
Check it out!

I hope you enjoy!


stacycaye said...

Okay, I'll give ya that it sounds like a great message, and I'll check it out for just for you. BUT, my perception is that Kirk is NOT a cool Christian like yourself. His website about religion is scary. He freaks me out.

On a serious note, I really hope God put his plan for you into action soon. I think you've been patient long enough. Come on God...let's move it!

stacycaye said...

The lyrics of song 2 are great. Song one, as I'm sure you can guess, I can't quite identify with:)