Monday, December 21, 2009

Being an aunt...

Last weekend we had Christmas #1 in Cedar Falls, with my dad and stepmom. We enjoyed a good meal and a lot of fun opening presents. While I was looking forward to the Christmas family time on Friday, I was especially looking forward to Saturday.

Let me preface this with the fact that it's been a year in the making. Last Christmas, I gave my niece, Kayla, a new Build-A-Bear outfit. It was the ice skating outfit she begged for. Needless to say, she was thrilled. In that moment, I thought it would be fun to promise her and Madison that we would go ice skating together sometime.

Kayla & Me - with her Build-A-Cat

I fully intended to keep this promise, but we all know how difficult it is for everyone's schedules to come together. So, here I am nearly a year later (after hearing the girls ask me if we were still going), and we've GONE!

I called them a few weeks ago, to invite them. They were on speaker phone. I said, "Hey, do you girls think it would be ok if your mom and I took you ice skating on Saturday?" Before I could finish, I heard screams of "YESSSSSSSSSS!!!"

This is what I love about being an aunt. I love these kids so ridiculously much and I love seeing them try new things. This would be their very first time skating. And, while that may not be a big deal to anyone else, it was to me.

On the way to Young Arena, the girls and I sang and jammed to Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. Then they decided who would skate with whom first. After some "rock, paper, scissors," they had a decision. Kayla would go with mom (Kamie) and Madison would go with me. Once we were on the ice, they were both fearless! I didn't ice skate until I was nearly an adult. I doubt I'd have done as well as they did. They are 8 and almost 6!

Madison & Kayla

First time skating - DONE!

Of course, we held their hands, but still, I was impressed. They used the railing for some support, but both were also good in the middle of the ice.

We took breaks and switched partners and I think we skated for over an hour. I asked Kayla what her favorite part of ice skating was. She wasn't sure. Then she said, "My least favorite part is the falling." I can't disagree with her there!

Let's not forget about little Rylan, the 4 year old. I asked him what "special" activity he and I could do, since the girls were going skating with me. He narrowed it down to Burger King play area and playing Playstation Star Wars. He chose Playstation. Who knew THAT'S all it would take? I played Star Wars with him (getting killed a billion times) before we went skating.

Rylan & Me, after making the decision to play Star Wars

I am SO blessed to have these experiences with the kids. Whether they even remember them doesn't matter to me. What matters is that these experiences and the memories of them put a smile on my face. They have enriched my life in a way they'll never fully know. I couldn't have chosen better nieces and a nephew if I'd had my pick!

2009 Wrap Up

OK, yet again, it's been a while since I've posted. I guess I must be pretty boring, because I can't regularly think of things to post! Here is a little recap...

My last post was about my post marathon running and not much has changed there. I absolutely LOVED the crisp weather in November, but have not enjoyed the shift to snow. Don't worry snow, I'll be getting bundled up and running through you very soon! You don't scare me!

I travelled to NYC with my aunt in late October and had a fantastic trip. I love that city and all it has to offer! We saw three Broadway shows - "Bye Bye Birdie," "Billy Elliot," & "The Lion King." All were great, but "Billy Elliot" was my favorite. My dream job is to get paid to sing, so watching these performers on Broadway had me grinning ear to ear. I also had the opportunity to run in Central Park three times...loved it!
A fabulous run in Central Park

Aunt Rose & Me - just before seeing John Stamos & Gina Gershon in "Bye Bye Birdie"

My friends (Carrie & Denton) joined me for a group Halloween costume this year. We were the Funkes, a family from "Arrested Development." If you know the show, then you'll appreciate our creativity. If not, well, that's your loss.

Lindsey (Carrie), Maeby (Me), & Tobias (Denton) Funke

A good friend of mine got married in the Twin Cities in November, so I was able to crash at Jen's house...again! My niece, Madison, turned 8 in November - we had so much fun celebrating with her.
Jen & I went for a cool morning run in Saint Paul - wonderful!

Madison & Me - best buds!

I hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the second year in a row - and all in attendance survived! I must say, I'm pretty proud that I've now pulled this meal off twice in a row. I consider myself a baker, not really a cook. I look forward to doing it again next year!

I'm looking forward to Christmas with the family this week, especially the kiddos!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

To run or not to run...

Some of you didn't think I could do it...some of you being my friend Jen.

After every marathon, I usually take the first week off and do absolutely nothing. Now, this takes no convincing. I am fully happy to do ZERO physical activity for a week. Usually, by week two, I'm ready to go for a few short runs and maybe a step class at the gym. Before you know it, I'm back into my routine.

THIS time, I made an off hand remark to Jen that I'd be taking two FULL weeks off after the marathon. She replied, "Yah right, that'll never happen. I'll bet you $20." The nerve!!! To be honest, she had reason to feel she'd get that $20, based on my history.

Week 1: I did nothing in the way of exercise and it was glorious! I came home after a hard day of work and sat down on the couch. It was quite incredible, actually! I had this thing that I wasn't sure what to do with, what was it? Oh yah, TIME!

I didn't pack a gym bag and lug it (along with my laptop and lunch) to my car. I didn't drive somewhere to change before running on the trail. Let's face it...I just didn't DO anything.

Week 2: By now, of course I'm not at all sore and could easily go on a run or do something! And, the weather was pretty much PERFECT for running. I'd catch myself saying, "Today would be a good day for a run." Ten minutes later, I'm in my house, sitting on the couch enjoying Oreos.

So, week 2 came and went with NO WORKOUT. Did you catch that, Jen? NO WORKOUT! I'll collect my $20 when I come to visit you in November.

As I was driving home last night, I was really hoping to go for a run today. I called my friend Carrie and we made a running date for this morning. My hope was that we could just go for a short one, maybe 4-5 miles, and catch up.

Well, we tend to be Chatty Cathys on our runs, so before I knew it, we'd almost gone out 3 miles. We ended up running a great 6 miler. My legs felt great and it was SO nice to run with Carrie!

While I'm not planning on a Spring marathon, I am glad to be back in the swing!

I've always had fears about taking more than a week off from running/exercise (regardless if it's after a marathon or anything). Here is what I learned:

1) I will not blow up and gain 35 pounds in the 2 weeks I'm not working out.
(this is my biggest fear!)

2) I actually DO eat less when I'm not running 35-40 miles per week. I've always thought of myself as a really good eater (meaning I can eat a lot), but the appetite isn't as insane when the activity level is NIL.

3) It is OK to take a break and let yourself ENJOY relaxing a little. You've earned it! I don't feel the least bit guilty for taking a longer break. And...I dare say I'll be better off for it in the future.

I am absolutely positive that I will have some great runs this week, as they will all be in Central Park in NYC! I'm headed there for vacation on Wednesday and can't wait to enjoy that beautiful park and city!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Twin Cities Marathon

Marathon #6 is complete! While I didn't break 4 hours, I can honestly say I felt great about the race and the whole weekend.

My friend Jen was kind enough to host me for the weekend. I hadn't seen her for a while, so it was great to see her house and hang out. We ventured to the Mall of America (my request) and it was insane. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I was there, but it is ridiculous. The crowds are unreal, there is a wait for a dressing room or cash register at every dang store!

After a little shopping, it was time to pick up my race packet. We spent a little time at the expo before heading to Macaroni Grill for a tasty pre-race meal.

I was up at 4:39am on race day. This was not by choice...apparently my bladder was super pumped! I laid in bed until 5am and then I got moving. I got dressed, ate some cereal, got my GUs poured into my flask, and packed up my bag. Jen snapped this super flattering pic of me before we left the house.

Jen dropped me at the hotel, where I met Carrie, Denton, Nyna, and Jess. We quickly loaded onto the bus, headed for Minneapolis.

The weather was PERFECT! I'd say it was in the upper 40's to lower 50's all morning. While that was chilly to stand in, it was the best to run in. I love it!

The five of us hung out for a while and then did a warm-up jog. After that, it was time to get into the chute. Now, in 2007, I made the mistake of waiting too long to get in the chute. I ended up starting with the 5:30 marathoners. This race has over 11,000 runners, so it's really not fun to start that far back and fight your way forward. THIS time, I immediately lined up with the 3:50 pace group. My goal was to start with them and try to stay in between them and the 4:00 pace group.

The race started - it was GO time! I felt ready to go and had a great mental attitude. The first few miles were spent getting through the crowds and trying to stay near the 3:50 group. For me, this race is so packed that I don't feel like I'm NOT crowded until around mile 10. I had no trouble running with the 3:50 group and I was feeling good.

Many of you may remember that I had some back issues at mile 6 of my last marathon (Illinois). So, when I reached mile 10, still feeling good, I was excited! Around mile 11, I lost the 3:50 group at a water stop. I usually walk through the water stops so I make sure to actually drink the water/Powerade they are providing. I looked up and the balloons for 3:50 were long gone. Where'd they go?

While I was still feeling good, I didn't feel a sprint to catch up to them would be wise. I decided to keep going on my own. We had been running 8:35s and I was now running 8:45s. I knew I was well ahead of the 4:00 group, so I just focused on moving forward.

Jen told me she'd be at mile 15, so that kept me motivated past the halfway point. To be honest, I was tempted to walk around mile 15, but the thought of Jen seeing me walk...I couldn't take it! I didn't see her and was feeling a little disappointed, when, I just happened to turn back and see her. I yelled, "Jen!" and she yelled, "Mariah!" That was that. She biked up another mile and spotted me again, which gave me another boost.

I continued on, still feeling pretty good. At this point, my back pain was creeping in. Many of you know that I tend to have conversations with my body. Here's how this one went.

My back: "Seriously, this hurts, can we stop now?"
Me: "Um, no. You really ticked me off at the last marathon. Payback sucks!"
My back: "But at least the pain didn't kick in at mile 6 this time?"
Me: "Yah, really, that's not helping your case. Our goal is to have a good race today and for me to enjoy it. So get on board!"

After that, while my back was a little achy, it was nothing I couldn't handle (unlike Illinois).

Around mile 19, the mental toughness was fading. I had slowed to 9:10s or slower at that point, but was still feeling alright. My left hip was aching and my right quad was throbbing. Given that combination, I'm sure my stride looked fabulous. So, yes, I walked a few minutes. But, usually, when I walk, I'll walk more than a few minutes, then run again. This time, I told myself I could walk 2 minutes and then I'd have to pick it back up.

I still hadn't seen the 4:00 group, so I was optimistic. I hit the 20 mile mark at 3:02:34, so, in theory, I may have still been able to break 4:00. But, it would have been tight. Honestly, I was enjoying the race and the day so much, that nothing could have disappointed me. I knew at that point that even if I didn't break 4:00, I wasn't going to have the crap races I'd had in Des Moines and Illinois.

I continued onward, letting myself walk a bit every few miles. Yes, I know, had I not walked, maybe my time would have been a few minutes faster or I might have broken 4:00. But, if you've run a marathon, you know how hard those last 6.2 miles can be.

As I came into the final stretch, I knew I was just about to complete my 6th marathon in a little over 3 years. I saw/heard Jen on my right and smiled into the finish! My time: 4:08:39, just a few minutes slower than my previous PR of 4:05:47.

I had a horrible experience at the Twin Cities Marathon in 2007 (a bit hot), so I'm thrilled that I came back and ran it again and had a wonderful experience in 2009. The course was beautiful and the spectators were UNBELIEVABLE! Honestly, you could barely take a step without seeing throngs of people cheering you on. Their support was HUGE!

One of the other positives? My friends Denton & Carrie (hubby & wife) and I started marathoning in October of 2006, running our first one together in Ashland, WI (Whistlestop). This is the 2nd one I've run with Denton and the 3rd with Carrie. Our training has been a blessing to our friendship - I'm so grateful! (They both ran fantastic races, too!)

Here are some more pics from the day:

Here I am in the final stretch, almost there!

One final wave!

Carrie & I after the race - lifetime running buddies!

Carrie, Denton, & Me

My hostess (and photographer), Jen!

I'm looking forward to some well earned time off. I don't have any plans for a Spring marathon, but hope to run some half marathons. My next marathon is the 35th Marine Corps Marathon next Halloween - I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Marathon #6 - Am I ready?

Well, this Sunday I will be running my 6th marathon. The last time I ran the Twin Cities Marathon was in 2007. Many of you might remember that it was a bit hot that day. My friends and I finished, but it wasn't the most fun day. Incidentally, I think I probably sweat off about 10 pounds of fluid, so I guess there's a positive.

I feel really good about my training this time around and I do think I'm ready. My 20 milers were probably the best I've had during any training, so I hope that's a good sign. The weather is absolutely gorgeous right now! I love the crisp, fall weather and can only pray we get the same on race day!

My goal has always been to break 4 hours. The closest I've come is 4:05 in Green Bay last year. I remember feeling great that day and just being happy to PR. I know 4 hours is attainable, I just need to believe I can DO IT!

I have several friends also running the race and there will be others cheering me on. That will help a ton! Overall, I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with friends. Thanks to Jen for hosting me!

Good luck to all who are running Twin Cities this weekend!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Whoa, I can't believe it's been nearly 2 months since my last entry...I'm sure you've all missed me! HA!

So, I'm still deep into training for marathon #6, Twin Cities on October 4. For the most part, training has been going well. But, there were a few weeks recently that had me nervous. I typically have trouble with the highest mileage weeks. Usually, I'll skip one of the half long runs altogether and then have a horrible long run that weekend (lots of walking and being mad).

THIS time, I wanted to do my best to make it through those tough weeks and prove to myself that I could do it. Well, the good news is that I did complete those high mileage weeks. The bad news is that they weren't all that pretty.

Both weeks were very busy for me outside of work and then the weekends were jam packed with out of town trips and family stuff. There was a horrible downpour on the day of my 17 miler, so I ran 17 miles on the treadmill - blech!

The following week I had an 18 mile run and it was downright terrible. I am helping a friend train for her first half marathon. So, I told her I'd run the first 10 and she could meet me for the last 8. It was particularly humid/muggy that morning and I tried to keep a good attitude. But, as I began my run, my Garmin wouldn't show anything other than a 9:15 pace. I'm not knocking a 9:15 pace, but it's a bit frustrating to see that when you FEEL like you're running 8:40 pace. No matter what I did, that was the best I could do. Needless to say, my poor friend was waiting on me and a bit worried. By the time I had taken a GU and some Gatorade, I wasn't too interested in running 8 more. The next 8 miles consisted of running slow, then walking, then running, then get the idea. I felt bad that my friend wasn't getting a good run, but I also knew that I had to do whatever I needed to do to just get these miles IN!

So, for those few weeks and the week after the 18 miler, every run felt a bit like torture. They felt long (even if they were 4-5 miles) and they felt grueling. It's not fun to feel like that for 5 miles, let alone 18 miles. These are the moments when you doubt yourself. You start thinking, "Ooh, maybe I'm done with the whole marathon thing...maybe I can't do it another time?"

You can imagine I wasn't sure how my 13 miler would go last weekend. I was honestly just hoping to be able to do it, no matter what the pace. As soon as we began the run, I felt great! I felt exhilarated and light on my feet. The weather was gorgeous and I had 3 great friends with me. What a change! This was JUST what I needed!

This past week was more of the same. I did more treadmill runs due to the rainy weather, but felt strong. I had a 20 miler to run on Saturday. In the past, 20 milers have been the bain of my existence (and I'm sure several other marathoners). I ran the first 9 miles with a few friends and then broke off. I felt strong, even after 10 miles! That doesn't always happen for me. Honestly, I've had many 18-20 mile runs where I couldn't wait for them to end. This was for various reasons: fatigue, boredom, hunger, boredom...seeing a theme here? But, this time, before I knew it, 20 miles was DONE!

This wasn't my fastest 20, but it was right on pace with my goal time for a PR. Better yet, I felt strong at the finish and I know I could have kept going, if I needed to. I think I've had to stop and walk at least once, probably more than that, in almost every 20 I've run. I never once felt like walking this time, so that is huge! It's T minus 5 weeks until Twin Cities and I'm feeling good!

It just goes to show you that no matter how long you've been a runner, you can have highs and lows. It's all part of the deal you make when you sign the contract. It's in the fine print, I didn't read it before I signed, now I'm stuck... Either way, I'm in this for better or worse, but I'd prefer it to be "better" the majority of the time.

Happy running!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


First of all...Happy 4th of July! Thank you to all our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom that we are so blessed to have!

Days like today are the reason I keep running. I ran the annual Alliant Energy 8K race this morning and it went well. This was my 6th time running this particular race AND the fastest I've ever run it or any other 8K! Let me give you my history at this race...

2004: First time running it, 45:56. I probably would have run under 45, but I got a horrible blister on my heel in the FIRST mile. It was very painful and I was glad to finish.
2005: Ran a good race in 43:34, was happy about it.
2006: Wanted to BEAT that 43:34 time. Guess what? I didn't beat it, I just got EXACTLY the same time AGAIN! I was not happy! I mean, couldn't I have run it in 43:32 at least?
2007: Ran it in 42:39 and was over the moon! I was so pumped to have broken 43 minutes!
2008: I had just run a 40:38 at a previous 8K, so I wanted to run somewhere close to that time. I ran a 40:55 and was happy with it...considering I had run an 18 miler the day before. (But, that's not much of an excuse, considering my friend Carrie had also run 18 miles and rocked a great race!)
2009: I wanted to break 40 minutes. If that meant crossing the finish line in 39:59, I would have been overjoyed. I ran it in 39:24! It was the best feeling seeing the clock and knowing I was going to bust through 40 minutes.

I went to bed ready for a good race... I woke up to rainy, depressing weather. Yuck! Now, I know there are many of you who just LOVE running in the rain. While the temperature was good for running, I am NOT a fan of being wet and running around in sloshy shoes. Also, if you've met me, you know I have about 10 pounds of hair on my head. Imagine running with 10 pounds of WET hair, no fun!

As I approached the start line, I was still hoping to break 40, but I'll admit, I was ready with my excuses if I didn't... "I ran 12 miles yesterday," "I'm tired," "It was rainy..." Blah, blah, blah!

I took off at what felt like the right pace. I hit mile 1 just over 8 minutes. Mile 2 must have been fast as the clock showed 15 something. Mile 3 in this race is difficult as you are headed uphill and then around the curve in a park. As you exit the park, it's uphill and you are just waiting for the long downhill. I kept my focus and tried to run strong. I hit 4 miles in just under 32 minutes, so I knew it was still possible to break 40 minutes.

But, I'd have to really bust out this last mile. It's a long straight away and I was tired. I was really tired... I started telling myself it would be ok if I hit around 40, I'd still PR.

As I passed a guy holding an "800 meters to go" sign, I thought, "I can do this!" Once I could see the clock and that there were no 4's on it, I kicked in as much as I could. Woohoo!

So, back to my point, about days like today being why I keep running. I love meeting goals and seeing improvement! Two of my running goals this year were to break 25:00 in the 5K and break 40:00 in the 8K. My new 5K PR is 24:25 and for the 8K, 39:24!

If you had told me 5 years ago that I'd be running sub 8:00s in ANY distance, I would have laughed you out of the room! It's not that I wasn't confident, it's that I thought I knew my pace and that that was it. Our bodies are amazing and running proves it!

I realize sub-8:00s is not break-neck speed for many people, but it IS for me. If I can be faster 5 years later, what will I be able to do in 5 more years? You never know! Maybe breaking 40 minutes in the 8K is good luck for me to break 4 HOURS in my next marathon? Here's hoping!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jesus Boost!

This past weekend was the commemoration of the massive floods that raged through Cedar Rapids last year. The city had several events planned, including a flood run, Floodstock celebration, and the Healing the Heartland festival/concerts.

I ran the 7 mile Flood Run and it was awesome! I will say that I wasn't so sure it would be awesome at the start. When I saw it was raining (thus no IPOD tunes or Garmin for me), I was a bit disappointed. More importantly, I thought it was sad it was rainy and gloomy on the very day we were to run through the neighborhoods that were flooded one year ago.

My ultimate goal was to set a PR, but I also wanted to just enjoy the run and take notice of these neighborhoods. I must admit, it was very emotional. The affected neighborhoods are just bare and still look like war zones. The few people there were so kind and upbeat. They were yelling, "Welcome to our neighborhood, thanks for running..." As I looked at them and clapped back, my eyes welled up with tears. I helped a friend's friend do post-flood clean up last year and you can't imagine how horrible an ordeal like this is. My heart goes out to all those who were affected and I hope they know that it WILL get better (I have to believe that!). (By the way, I did set a PR and felt great the whole race!)

So, later that night, Carrie, Kim, and I went to a free concert with a few of my favorite Christian bands, BarlowGirl & Newsboys. We caught the tail end of BarlowGirl and saw ALL of Newsboys. It was AWESOME!!! We went up to the front, near the stage, for the Newsboys. We were jumping, clapping, screaming, and singing along with the whole crowd. I turned around several times to see an amazing crowd of people there, just worshipping God. What a life affirming thing to witness!

This brings me to the title of this blog entry, "Jesus Boost!" I've always been a Christian and loved worshipping the Lord, but that concert brought me back to high school and college. When I was in high school/college, there were so many opportunities to worship like that. We went to church camp and the Caravan trip and had these awesome experiences. In college, we had worship 5 times a week in addition to so many other opportunities.

I think, as an adult, I've forgotten or lost a bit of that. We have jobs, bills to pay, and just LIFE to take care of. This concert brought it back to me in a huge way. Don't misunderstand me, it's not that I love Jesus less now as an adult. But, I think my "fire" for worshipping was dimming a bit. I want to feel like I did at that concert, ALL the time! For any of you needing your spark lit, check out Life 101.9 FM. I switched to this station a year or so ago and absolutely love it. I just FEEL better listening to that than anything else!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I know, it's been a while since I've posted...I'm sure you've all been wondering, "What's going on with Mariah?" Wait, you haven't been wondering? Well, too bad, I'll tell ya anyway...
So, after my disappointing marathon, I had a new thing to focus on - VACATION!!! I went on a 3 day Bahamas cruise with a good friend of mine. Then I headed to Delray Beach, Florida for some more R&R. Some of you may be thinking, "Sounds like a good vacation, what's the big deal?"
You have to understand what I've called "vacation" the last few years. Basically, I go visit family, run a marathon, or visit friends with their kids. While those are all fun things to do, I was told by numerous people that they aren't "real" vacation. So, this year, I decided to just do it - go on a real vacation.

My vacation didn't start the first flight was late arriving in Atlanta, so I missed my connecting flight. The next flight they put me on would have made me miss my cruise! So, after a very stressful day rearranging flights, luggage, etc...I arrived on the ship with my friend. Once we confirmed my luggage arrived on the ship, we had a BLAST!

If you've never been on a cruise, you need to know something. There is FOOD everywhere, all the time. If you like to eat, the cruise is for you! You can order as many items as you want. So, we did just that. I think I ordered 2 desserts every night at dinner. Then, I ordered multiple breakfast items...and I'm not even a huge breakfast person!

We had fun laying out in Cococay and just relaxing. We shopped, we chatted, we ate, and we even had some drinks. Yes, folks, Mariah does have a drink from time to time!

When our cruise docked in Miami, I was headed to Delray to stay at my uncle's house. Here is the view from Uncle John's...
We literally could walk out the back door to the ocean! My friend Tina met me in Florida and we had the best time. Our goal was to have zero plans, to just do whatever we felt like, whenever we felt like it.

We had the place to ourselves. Our days consisted of the following: sleeping in, swimming in the ocean, laying out, shopping, swimming some more, eating, drinking, soaking in the hot tub, and staying up late watching whatever was on tv. Rough, huh?

Oh, I managed to squeeze in 1 run, while on vacation for a total of 10 days. Shocking, I know!

I can't remember the last time I had a vacation like this! It was just what I needed after a jam packed, super busy year. Here are a few more pics of our fun!

I plan to do this whole "vacation" thing on a regular basis now! Back to the real world, though. Back to NOT eating 17 meals a day and laying around all day. I'm running again and back in the swing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Marathon #5 - Complete

It's official, I am now a 5 time marathoner. Unfortunately, this past weekend didn't go as I had hoped. As many of you know, I've been trying to break the 4 hour mark for a while. The closest I've come was in Green Bay last year - 4:05. So, it's not as if it's not possible...

I feel like I did all the pre-race stuff right - made sure I drank plenty of water, got plenty of rest, and ate a good meal.

The morning of the race went smoothly as well. My friends, Carrie & Andy, and I made it to the start with no issues. The weather was gorgeous too! All of us felt good and were ready to have a good race.

I started the race feeling good and running right on pace. While my pace slowed a bit by mile 3, I wasn't worried. I figured I was just settling into my groove. By mile 6, I was feeling intense pain in my lower back. I've never had this happen to me during a run, so I had hoped it would sort of just go away. (I know, wishful thinking) Well, it did NOT go away. In fact, it just kept getting worse.

Some of you may be doing the math already... If my back hurts at mile 6 and makes it difficult to run at at all...then I have 20.2 MORE miles left to run!

I decided to trudge onward (knowing in my gut I wasn't going to hit my goal) and run for as long as I could, at a slower pace. I was doing low 9:00s until about the halfway point. That's when my back said, "Hey, seriously, knock it off!" Surprisingly, I reached the halfway point in about 2 hours - SHOCKING! But, there was absolutely no way I could continue like that for 13.1 more miles.

So, my new plan was to do a combination of walking and running. The funny thing is that my legs were completely FINE for the whole race! They never cramped or complained to me once! But, whenever I'd try to run for an extended period, my back would hurt worse, probably because it couldn't handle the constant pounding.

Your mind can play funny tricks on you. I could have sworn I walked a ton more than I ran in the second half, but my mile splits don't lie. Don't get me wrong, they're not impressive, but they tell me that I was obviously spending most of the time running. All of my second half splits were in the 10:00 to 11:00 range. If I was running 9:20s before, I can't have been walking too much to keep this pace. I tried to run through areas where there was good crowd support and then take walking breaks in between.

By the time I could see the University of Illinois, I just wanted it to be over. At this point, I had considered quitting twice. Just my luck, there were no sag wagons near me either time. Once I entered the football field, I ran as hard as I could to the finish at the 50 yard line.

I hadn't looked at my watch much over the second half because I KNEW I was well past my goal. So, when I saw my final time on the clock as I finished, the disappointment was HUGE!

I wanted a minute to myself to just "be" and to get a bit of my anger out. Unfortunately for my friend Carrie, who is awesome, she was right there to give me a hug. My response? "Carrie, I need a minute, seriously..." Poor girl, what can I say? I was mad and didn't really want to talk to anyone at that moment! By the way, Carrie and Andy both had awesome races and PR'd!

It's only been a few days, so I wouldn't say I'm over the disappointment yet. It would be different if I thought under 4 hours wasn't attainable, but I know it is. Both of my 20 mile runs were under 3 hours, so the goal was in sight.

The hardest part is knowing I put all this work in over the last 4 1/2 months, only to NOT meet my goal. While I'm happy for all who raced well, I had hoped I'd have the same experience. I definitely feel beaten down and unsure of whether I even want to try another marathon. I know, I probably sound like I'm being dramatic, but it's just how I'm feeling right now.

I've done my best to find some positives:

1) I have now run 5 marathons in the last 2 1/2 years - it all started with wanting to run 1!

2) I still finished the race, no matter how much pain I was in. My mental and physical strength were definitely pushed to the limit.

3) I had a great time with my friends and all from the running club who ran.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NKOTB are back!

In case you haven't heard, NKOTB, otherwise known as New Kids On The Block, are back! Oh yes, it's true folks! I realize not many can say this, but I have the privelage of having seen them TWICE in my lifetime.

I was a big fan of the New Kids back when I was a crazy junior high teenager. I'll admit it, Joey was my fave, he was just SO dreamy! I honestly thought Joey and I would end up together...somehow.

My friend Carly had to review the concert and was kind enough to invite me along. For those of you who had lost respect for me, thinking I ordered and PAID for tickets, please know, they were FREE! This was purely for the entertainment factor and boy, was I entertained! Thanks Carly!

We had a great group of 4 fantastic girls and we headed to Moline to see NKOTB at the I Wireless Center.

I don't know how else to describe the whole thing - it was CRAZY! You would not believe how many people were decked out in their 80's gear and rockin' NKOTB clothes, buttons, dolls... The 4 of us apparently didn't get the memo...we wore NORMAL clothing.

All 5 guys appeared from a cloud of smoke and began the concert rockin' their vintage material. Let's just say they rocked the same dance moves as well. It was hilarious, but I don't think it was supposed to be funny. It's a little weird to watch Joey sing "Please Don't Go Girl" in his adult mature voice.

Apparently, Jordan and Joey both had solo careers? I was unaware (yes, Jen, I know my mom gave me Joey's solo CD for a Christmas prank gift). But, I really didn't know those two went solo...or I blocked it out. So, part of the concert paid homage to their super awesome solo albums. The high point of Jordan's performance was unbuttoned white shirt blowing open to reveal his bare chest. Wow...very exciting stuff.

My favorite part of the concert was when Donnie came out... I was nervous, because I knew for sure he hadn't done a solo album. Well, he wanted to sing "Cover Girl" by himself, to all the single ladies in the audience. Do you know why? It's because HE hasn't found HIS cover girl yet, ladies! So, if any of you want some Donnie W. (Jen), he's still available! After "Cover Girl," Donnie planted a big disgusting kiss on some woman in the front row. She about passed out, I'm fairly certain I would have slugged him. The other awesome Donnie moment came at the end of the show. Donnie held up a huge white banner that said, "Go Green. Save a John Deere, ride a Wahlberg!" Gross!

Carly and I held our breath the whole concert, fearing they'd never perform "Hangin' Tough" & "Step By Step." But, NKOTB never disappoint, they closed the show with them!

While I knew NONE of their current "hits," I did find myself remembering the choruses from the oldies. I also figured out that it was ridiculous for me to ever like the New Kids. Here are a few reasons why:

1) I only liked ONE member, Joey. I honestly couldn't stand the rest of them. Why would I buy their junk for one guy? (Remember those big buttons? I had several!)
2) They weren't any good! Oh my gosh, how I wish I would have seen/heard how bad they were and been cool enough not to succumb to them!
Please enjoy the pics, I took way more than I'd like to admit, but come on, who knows if there will ever be another NKOTB reunion? :-)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Marathon #5 Is Just Around The Corner...

It's official, in less than 2 weeks I will have completed my 5th marathon. Right now, I have mixed emotions about how this one is going to go. My goal is to finally break the big 4 hour barrier (well, it's big to ME). While most of my training would lead me to believe it's going to happen, you never know what race day will bring. In addition to that, my legs have been unbelievably uncooperative the last several weeks.

Basically, this is the conversation lately between me and my legs:

Me: "Hey Legs, let's go for a run, ok?"
Legs: "Ya know, we're just not feeling it today, can we skip?"
Me: "No, we don't skip, we stick to the plan!"
Legs: "Yah, you and your plan are kind of annoying us right now. We'd rather go home, lay on the couch, and have some Cadbury Eggs."
Me: "Well, that's too bad, because we're going on a run whether you like it or not! We can eat Cadbury Eggs afterward!"
Legs: "Fine, we can go for a run, but we're not going to promise it will go well."

My legs have not been lying. Every run lately, no matter how short or long, has been a chore. I miss the runs where I just enjoy it and when I'm done I wonder, "Oh, it's over?" I am finding 4 mile runs to feel a lot like 15 mile runs...ugh!

I ran my last 12 this past Saturday, and while technically it was still just below (barely) my marathon goal pace, I know I can run much faster than that. This obviously concerns me with the marathon only days away.

Everyone says, "You're just tired, the taper is going to help, you'll be fine!" Well, I'm not quite there yet. I don't want to put undue pressure on myself, but I just really want to meet this goal!

I need to focus on getting my sleep in the next few weeks and on getting my mental attitude on the positive. Maybe then my legs will be back on board!

I can't blame them though, I mean, they're probably just thinking about my upcoming vacation to the Bahamas/Florida in the next 5 weeks, where eating and laying around will be the primary activities.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Winding down...

Well, it's been a few weeks since my last post, so I figured it was high time I post an update. Not that anything too exciting has been going on lately.

My schedule has been pretty much insane for the last 7 or so months. I came out of retirement to coach 5th grade basketball (this is my last year, I swear!). I work part-time (for fun) at Running Wild, and I picked up a voice student. Oh yeah, I also work full time and am training for a marathon. Basically, I'm never home before 8:00 pm on any given week-night and I haven't really had a free weekend since...hmm...I can't remember.

It's not that life's not good, I'm loving life right now! It's just that I miss having the option to just relax and maybe even, dare I say it, be a bit lazy? I love the girls I coach, they are a lot of fun, but the time commitment is a little much. I have weird work hours, 6:30-4, so you can imagine I'm not getting nearly enough sleep. I'm pretty much a zombie lately. There have been times on the treadmill when I've wondered if I might fall asleep while running. Not good, not good at all.

Basketball ends in the next few weeks, so that should free up some of my time. It will be nice to not feel like I'm literally running from place to place!

The biggest lesson I need to learn right now (I've been working on this for about 25 years) is to say, "NO," sometimes. I've always known it's ok to say no, but yet, I'm still not very good at doing it.

I do have some fun and exciting stuff coming up that will make all of my crazy busy-ness worth it! I'm going to see "Legally Blonde: The Musical" in DM with my friend Tina this Friday. My 5th marathon is on April 11 and I'm super pumped to have a great race and fun with friends. Then, I'm off for a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas with a friend of mine. I'm headed to West Palm Beach, FL after that, to continue the relaxation process. I can't wait to just "be" and not HAVE to be anywhere doing anything. I'm pretty sure it will be awesome!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another year older, the big 32!

Last Tuesday, I celebrated my 32nd birthday. I have to say, 32 isn't too bad. I think it's funny how much our perspective changes as we get older.

My friend Kari started dating her now husband, Tim, when she was 22. He, however, was 32 at the time! I remember me and our friends being totally freaked out by the situation. I'm sure I made statements such as, "Oh my gosh, 32? That is SOOOO old...isn't it weird?" and "I can't imagine EVER dating a 32 year old!"

I know what you're thinking right now...that I think it's appropriate for me to find a 22 year old to date. No worries, that is not my current plan or desire. While I do think I'm more mature and, hopefully, a bit wiser now at 32 than I was at 22, the truth is, I don't FEEL old at all. I know, I know, 32 isn't old, but it's no 22 either.

Every time I'm on the phone with my friend Stacy, I feel I've not aged a day since high school. Yes, we are both aware we should be concerned, but we can't help it! We talk about the dumbest things sometimes and laugh SO hard! I see no reason why that shouldn't continue. If you can't laugh, then what's the point?

I've heard people say the 30s are supposed to be so great. Honestly, so far, I agree. While there are a few things I wish could be different, overall, it's all good. For example, I was much less comfortable with my body/appearance in my 20s. I feel like I'm much less obsessed with that in my 30s. I accept my body for what it is and what it can do, rather than what I wish I had. Some of you reading this (Carrie) will note that yes, I still do wish I had your rockin' legs. But, all in all, I'm happy with what I have. You could have told me I'd be at this point 10 years ago and I would have said, "Yah, right, that'll never happen! I'll be obsessed forever!" I'm not saying I don't have moments of weakness where I freak out, but really, it just doesn't consume my every thought as it did back then.

When I think back to my 20s, I was running on a regular basis. Now, it's 10 years later and I'm running marathons! If that's not progress, I don't know what is! I've already told you all how thankful I am for the many blessings in my life, but I'll just say those blessings are what make 32 so sweet.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tough long run...

Well, they're gonna happen sooner or later. I'm talking about having a bad long run. I had to do 15 miles this morning and was hoping it would be good. I went with our local running club, but we usually don't stay together too long. The first problem today? I couldn't get my legs to warm up to save my life! Usually, I'm fine with just tights on, but today, it was like running with popsicles for legs! I'd say they were numb for most of the run...which made me feel like they weighed 100 pounds each. It should be noted that I could not keep my backside warm either!

By the time I got to the Y (5 miles), my motivation was waning. I decided to trudge onward and get another 2.5 miles in before turning back. Let's just say these might have been the LONGEST 2.5 miles ever! Sometimes the time just doesn't fly by the way you want it to. I had to walk a few times (which I hate) and was just not into it. To be honest, I considered calling my friend Tina to pick me up. There were a few problems with that though: 1) I had no cell phone with me; 2) I don't have Tina's number memorized. So, I scrapped that plan and kept running.

I decided my chocolate GU would be my big reward when I hit 8 miles. Woohoo! I finally made it back to the Y for my 2nd water stop. Now I only had 5 miles left in this journey. Those of you with IPODS will understand this. IPODS do not like cold weather, at all. They turn off at the very hint of a cool breeze. So, I packed my IPOD inside my jacket pocket today, which seemed to help. I had good tunes for 10 miles. When I left the Y to go the last 5 miles, my IPOD said, "Sorry Mariah, no can do, we're done. You have fun for the last few miles, though." Honestly, at that point, I wasn't too upset about it. I was focused on finishing this run! I had time to think and reflect, which is good.

I wanted to blog about this bad run to encourage all of you. Honestly, I could get all worked up about this. I could get mad that I didn't hit the pace, that I stopped to walk several times, or that it just didn't go well. OR, I could take a more positive approach and focus on the fact that no one is forcing me to run 15 miles today or train for a marathon, for that matter. I could have just as easily stayed in bed when my alarm went off at 6:15 am. But, I chose to go do the work, regardless of how it turned out. At the end of the day, I still covered 15 miles (no matter how I did it). And, as I always say, I'm blessed to have a body that CAN run, regardless of the pace.

I have really enjoyed my training so far for this next marathon and I knew there would be a few bad runs in there. At least I know that there are ALWAYS more good runs than bad. I know there will be plenty of good long runs in the coming weeks. I hope all of YOU have good long runs or good ANYTHING in the coming weeks as well!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A new day...

I know, I know...everyone is talking about this monumental day. I won't belabor the point, but felt I should write something. This entry is not meant to offend Republicans or's just my thoughts. I don't want to get into a debate over this!

I myself am excited that we have a new president (yes, I'm a Democrat)! I'm not putting President Bush down, anyone who has this job will make mistakes and have incredibly tough decisions to make.

But, I think President Obama will lead our nation out of this mess and into something better. As I went to sleep last night, I said my prayers. I prayed for & about the normal stuff I usually pray about. Then I prayed for Barack Obama. I prayed that God would guide his heart in every decision he makes. I prayed that God would give him courage and strength for this huge undertaking before him. I prayed that this country would unite behind him so we can work together to move forward.

I know a lot of Republicans who like to tell me what a mess Barack is going to make. I've been shocked at the hatred people have expressed. While I disagree with Bush and some of the things he did, I don't think I've ever said I hated him. I respect him and know that he probably made those decisions with the best of intentions.

I think it's time for everyone to realize - Barack IS OUR PRESIDENT! So, we have the choice to stand behind him and move forward or keep wishing what might have been. This country can do better and we SHOULD do better. My prayer is that we will, but we have to be willing to do the work.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Headphones it is!

It's official, I've committed to run the Illinois Marathon in April. I guess I should probably register at some point. This will be marathon #5 for me, and hopefully, my best marathon yet. I was holding out, waiting to see if they would allow headphones. I checked their website last night and lo and behold, under rules & regulations, what should I see?

Headphones, Etc.: Since the USATF has amended its rule on the wearing of earphones, headphones, I-Pods, MP3 Players and similar electronic devices at sanctioned events, these items will be allowed in all of our events. See our Headphone Policy for more information.

I know, it's a little silly to be excited about this, but come on. If I'm going to be running for a little less than 4 hours...I better have some listening enjoyment!

For some reason, I was super pumped after reading this. Now I'm SO excited for this marathon! Several people from our local running club are going as well, so it should be a fun race.

While I want to meet my goal time, I'll be thrilled just to complete my 5th marathon.

Happy running!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's WORKOUT Resolutions

OK, as I walked into my gym tonight, after driving around for what felt like 20 minutes - searching for a parking spot, I was annoyed. I don't know why I'm surprised every January by the massive crowds that inundate my gym. Yes, I know it's not MY gym, but I feel it's more my gym than theirs. It happens every year...things are going along great, I have no trouble getting a treadmill or finding a space in the cardio class. And then, January and the New Year's resolutions hit!

I've talked with my friends about this before. People, I beg you, please DON'T join the gym! You and I both know what will happen. You'll all come maybe 4-5 days a week for 8 weeks, then you'll quit. Those 8 weeks are pure torture for the rest of us all year-round gym goers. We have to wait in line for the treadmill or any other equipment. I'm not exaggerating either - when I walked into the gym tonight, EVERY single piece of cardio equipment was taken.

We all know I'm not really serious about this, because I believe everyone should take the steps to be healthy and active. I just had to rant because this happens every year and it drives me absolutely crazy!

Friday, January 2, 2009

To wear headphones, to not wear headphones...

This one is for all my fellow runners. Many of you are aware that in the last year, the USATF created and strictly enforced a no headphones rule at most races. I ran the 2007 Twin Cities Marathon with a few friends and that race also strictly enforced this ruling. We later found out that they went through all race photos and anyone wearing headphones was not only disqualified, but also disqualified from entering the 2008 Twin Cities Marathon. Can you imagine if you FINALLY qualified for Boston, but were disqualified for not abiding by the no headphone rule? (By the way, that's me in the blue shirt, Jen in the middle, & Carrie on the right, in the home stretch!)

My friends and I did abide by the rule and went without. Many of you might know that the 2007 TCM was the one of the hottest marathons that year - and I mean hot, as in the temperature. We were sweating after our 1 mile warm-up. I tried to keep a positive attitude at the start, but was feeling sluggish by mile 8. By mile 13, I just wanted it to be over. I was soaking wet and watching people puke, faint, or be shocked back to life every other mile.

My point is this - I believe that headphones should be allowed. I'm a disciplined runner and I happen to enjoy listening to music when I run. Yes, I sometimes leave the house without my IPOD and just go. Or, I run with friends and we talk the whole time. But, in general, I like to put on my playlist and just GO. I don't feel that the music is holding me back or taking focus away. In fact, I tend to run better/faster by myself, with music pumping in my ears!

I don't feel I've ever endangered other runners, bikers, or drivers by wearing headphones. I listen at a reasonable decibel and usually hear anyone/anything around me. Furthermore, most races are cordoned off and have an official course, where traffic must yield. I don't feel my headphones would pose a problem.

During the Twin Cities Marathon, I think I would have given anything to just have some good music going in my ears. I was well past my goal time and just trying to finish (alive). So, to hear a favorite song would have been such a boost! I could have gotten out of my head and some of my negative thoughts and just thought, "Wow, I love this song!" Instead my friends, Jen & Carrie (we all run different paces) and I, all caught up with each other and finished the race together.

I'm not going to win any marathon/race anytime soon, so I see no issue with me wearing headphones, or anyone else for that matter (as long as the volume isn't cranked up). I recently learned that the USATF amended this ruling. Time will tell whether race directors will continue to enforce the no headphones rule.

The long and short of it is this: If I'm disciplined enough to train for and run 26.2 miles, shouldn't I be allowed to have whatever motivation I want (as long as it doesn't endanger others)?

I know the opinions on this issue are incredibly divided...just some food for thought!

Happy running!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year everyone! Well, 2009 is here and I've decided to ring it in right. I'm counting my many blessings!

It actually occurred to me at Christmas how truly blessed I am. I'm not saying I didn't know this before, but you know how sometimes, things just HIT you? That's how I felt at Christmas Eve church services.

I'm sitting in the pew with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and their 3 kids. I absolutely LOVE and ADORE my nieces and nephew. Just ask any of my friends, I can't get enough of them. Kayla and Rylan were sitting with me and I was loving every bit of it. I read them the books in their activity bags and we learned all about Adam & Eve - and why they should NOT have eaten those pesky apples.

As I sat there, listening to the sermon, I was overwhelmed with how blessed I am to have these 3 precious kids in my life. I'm so fortunate to be their aunt and to spend time with them. I love my relationships with these kids. We have so much fun together!

Sometimes I can dwell on what I don't have in my life (most of you know what I'm referring to...), but at that moment, all I could do was just smile and thank God that He put these kids in my life. They are exactly the kids I would have chosen to be my nieces and nephew, if I'd had my pick from all the kids in the world.

This was further solidified when, at the end of the night, my niece Madison said, "When will I see you again?" I told her it would probably be on Kayla's birthday (in a month). She said, "No, I want to see you tomorrow!" How lucky am I?

So, as I thought about the blessing of these 3 amazing kids, it made me look at all the other blessings in my life. I have a wonderful group of friends. Seriously, it's like God said, "Here Mariah, I'm going to give you all the best people to be friends with...there ya go. Have fun!" It's true! I have friends from all walks of life and all parts of my life experiences. They all bring something different to the table and I love them all dearly.

I have the friends I can call twice a day, 6 days a week - you know who you are. I have the friends I run 100s of miles with, I mean that literally. I have friends that I can have deep and meaningful conversations with. I have friends that make me pee my pants laughing every time we talk!

I am blessed with a healthy body that can run and actually LOVES to do it! I just went for an impromptu run outside tonight. Can I just say I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time? Running gives me such joy (most of the time)!

God also blessed me with the ability to sing. I'm not saying I'm good, I'm saying I can carry a tune. I love to sing and it also brings me joy. I feel so at home when I'm singing, whether it's in the car, shower, at church, or while I'm running (yes, I've done it).

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, but I think I will at least try to focus more on these wonderful blessings in 2009, rather than focus on what I do NOT have in my life.

May you all have a wonderful 2009 and count the many blessings in your lives!