After every marathon, I usually take the first week off and do absolutely nothing. Now, this takes no convincing. I am fully happy to do ZERO physical activity for a week. Usually, by week two, I'm ready to go for a few short runs and maybe a step class at the gym. Before you know it, I'm back into my routine.
THIS time, I made an off hand remark to Jen that I'd be taking two FULL weeks off after the marathon. She replied, "Yah right, that'll never happen. I'll bet you $20." The nerve!!! To be honest, she had reason to feel she'd get that $20, based on my history.
Week 1: I did nothing in the way of exercise and it was glorious! I came home after a hard day of work and sat down on the couch. It was quite incredible, actually! I had this thing that I wasn't sure what to do with, what was it? Oh yah, TIME!
I didn't pack a gym bag and lug it (along with my laptop and lunch) to my car. I didn't drive somewhere to change before running on the trail. Let's face it...I just didn't DO anything.
Week 2: By now, of course I'm not at all sore and could easily go on a run or do something! And, the weather was pretty much PERFECT for running. I'd catch myself saying, "Today would be a good day for a run." Ten minutes later, I'm in my house, sitting on the couch enjoying Oreos.
So, week 2 came and went with NO WORKOUT. Did you catch that, Jen? NO WORKOUT! I'll collect my $20 when I come to visit you in November.
As I was driving home last night, I was really hoping to go for a run today. I called my friend Carrie and we made a running date for this morning. My hope was that we could just go for a short one, maybe 4-5 miles, and catch up.
Well, we tend to be Chatty Cathys on our runs, so before I knew it, we'd almost gone out 3 miles. We ended up running a great 6 miler. My legs felt great and it was SO nice to run with Carrie!
While I'm not planning on a Spring marathon, I am glad to be back in the swing!
I've always had fears about taking more than a week off from running/exercise (regardless if it's after a marathon or anything). Here is what I learned:
1) I will not blow up and gain 35 pounds in the 2 weeks I'm not working out.
(this is my biggest fear!)
(this is my biggest fear!)
2) I actually DO eat less when I'm not running 35-40 miles per week. I've always thought of myself as a really good eater (meaning I can eat a lot), but the appetite isn't as insane when the activity level is NIL.
3) It is OK to take a break and let yourself ENJOY relaxing a little. You've earned it! I don't feel the least bit guilty for taking a longer break. And...I dare say I'll be better off for it in the future.
I am absolutely positive that I will have some great runs this week, as they will all be in Central Park in NYC! I'm headed there for vacation on Wednesday and can't wait to enjoy that beautiful park and city!
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