Jen dropped me at the hotel, where I met Carrie, Denton, Nyna, and Jess. We quickly loaded onto the bus, headed for Minneapolis.
The weather was PERFECT! I'd say it was in the upper 40's to lower 50's all morning. While that was chilly to stand in, it was the best to run in. I love it!
The five of us hung out for a while and then did a warm-up jog. After that, it was time to get into the chute. Now, in 2007, I made the mistake of waiting too long to get in the chute. I ended up starting with the 5:30 marathoners. This race has over 11,000 runners, so it's really not fun to start that far back and fight your way forward. THIS time, I immediately lined up with the 3:50 pace group. My goal was to start with them and try to stay in between them and the 4:00 pace group.
The race started - it was GO time! I felt ready to go and had a great mental attitude. The first few miles were spent getting through the crowds and trying to stay near the 3:50 group. For me, this race is so packed that I don't feel like I'm NOT crowded until around mile 10. I had no trouble running with the 3:50 group and I was feeling good.
Many of you may remember that I had some back issues at mile 6 of my last marathon (Illinois). So, when I reached mile 10, still feeling good, I was excited! Around mile 11, I lost the 3:50 group at a water stop. I usually walk through the water stops so I make sure to actually drink the water/Powerade they are providing. I looked up and the balloons for 3:50 were long gone. Where'd they go?
While I was still feeling good, I didn't feel a sprint to catch up to them would be wise. I decided to keep going on my own. We had been running 8:35s and I was now running 8:45s. I knew I was well ahead of the 4:00 group, so I just focused on moving forward.
Jen told me she'd be at mile 15, so that kept me motivated past the halfway point. To be honest, I was tempted to walk around mile 15, but the thought of Jen seeing me walk...I couldn't take it! I didn't see her and was feeling a little disappointed, when, I just happened to turn back and see her. I yelled, "Jen!" and she yelled, "Mariah!" That was that. She biked up another mile and spotted me again, which gave me another boost.
I continued on, still feeling pretty good. At this point, my back pain was creeping in. Many of you know that I tend to have conversations with my body. Here's how this one went.
My back: "Seriously, this hurts, can we stop now?"
Me: "Um, no. You really ticked me off at the last marathon. Payback sucks!"
My back: "But at least the pain didn't kick in at mile 6 this time?"
Me: "Yah, really, that's not helping your case. Our goal is to have a good race today and for me to enjoy it. So get on board!"
After that, while my back was a little achy, it was nothing I couldn't handle (unlike Illinois).
Around mile 19, the mental toughness was fading. I had slowed to 9:10s or slower at that point, but was still feeling alright. My left hip was aching and my right quad was throbbing. Given that combination, I'm sure my stride looked fabulous. So, yes, I walked a few minutes. But, usually, when I walk, I'll walk more than a few minutes, then run again. This time, I told myself I could walk 2 minutes and then I'd have to pick it back up.
I still hadn't seen the 4:00 group, so I was optimistic. I hit the 20 mile mark at 3:02:34, so, in theory, I may have still been able to break 4:00. But, it would have been tight. Honestly, I was enjoying the race and the day so much, that nothing could have disappointed me. I knew at that point that even if I didn't break 4:00, I wasn't going to have the crap races I'd had in Des Moines and Illinois.
I continued onward, letting myself walk a bit every few miles. Yes, I know, had I not walked, maybe my time would have been a few minutes faster or I might have broken 4:00. But, if you've run a marathon, you know how hard those last 6.2 miles can be.
As I came into the final stretch, I knew I was just about to complete my 6th marathon in a little over 3 years. I saw/heard Jen on my right and smiled into the finish! My time: 4:08:39, just a few minutes slower than my previous PR of 4:05:47.
I had a horrible experience at the Twin Cities Marathon in 2007 (a bit hot), so I'm thrilled that I came back and ran it again and had a wonderful experience in 2009. The course was beautiful and the spectators were UNBELIEVABLE! Honestly, you could barely take a step without seeing throngs of people cheering you on. Their support was HUGE!
One of the other positives? My friends Denton & Carrie (hubby & wife) and I started marathoning in October of 2006, running our first one together in Ashland, WI (Whistlestop). This is the 2nd one I've run with Denton and the 3rd with Carrie. Our training has been a blessing to our friendship - I'm so grateful! (They both ran fantastic races, too!)
Here are some more pics from the day:

One final wave!
Carrie & I after the race - lifetime running buddies!
Carrie, Denton, & Me
I'm looking forward to some well earned time off. I don't have any plans for a Spring marathon, but hope to run some half marathons. My next marathon is the 35th Marine Corps Marathon next Halloween - I can't wait!!!
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