Monday, October 20, 2008

Marathon #4

Well folks, I did it. I just completed my 4th marathon...and it wasn't pretty. I was primed and ready to have a terrific race. My legs felt good and I was motivated to PR huge!

I ran the Des Moines Marathon, known to be quite hilly for miles 3-8. I did my best to stay positive and build myself up during the hills, but unfortunately, my legs felt differently. At mile 8 my legs felt as if I'd already run a full marathon. It was mentally tough to imagine that I STILL had to run 18.2 more miles! Nevertheless, I reached the halfway point in under 2 hours. I was exhausted though and couldn't imagine having to run another half.

It was wonderful to see my dad and friends Sarah & Aaron at a few points throughout. It definitely motivated me to continue! My friend Nate met me at about 20 miles and ran the rest with me.

I finished in 4:20, well past my goal time, but I guess I need to just chalk it up to a bad day. I'll reach my goal next time, right?

I know, I're thinking, "Mariah, next time? Are you crazy?" The answer is yes, I'm a bit on the crazy side.

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