Saturday, May 15, 2010


I ran my 3rd 5K of the year this morning. I have a little cold (again) and so, I wasn't feeling 100%. But, I still feel pretty good about my time and the race overall. Now, onto the point of this post.

I've noticed, for quite some time now, that many women show up to these races in full make-up and with their hair quite done up. We're talking, more make-up than I wear to go out with friends on a Saturday night. And the hair? Well, they're doing fancier stuff than what I have paid to have done to be in a wedding.

Let's get this straight, are running/walking a 5K (any other distance), in other words, EXERCISING!!! Why on earth would you need to have your face covered in make-up and your hair done? Even if the pace is slow, you still might break a sweat.

OK, I'm not an idiot. I realize that maybe a single lady would want to put her best self forward, just in case. Um, I'm one of those single ladies and it's never occurred to me to wear make-up or do my hair. Well, I do throw my haphazard curls into a ponytail...but I don't think this qualifies as a hairdo. Make-up? Oh, I put Chapstick on, if my lips happen to be chapped. There ya go.

It's not that I don't care what a guy thinks of my looks, but it's that he should know that I'm there to exercise, not go clubbing. I guess I would naively hope that he'd be interested in me because of my interest in running/athletics. But, maybe I'm wrong.

I remember playing basketball against a certain school when I was in high school. Most of the girls on the team wore a LOT of make-up. So, halfway through the game, they've got mascara running down their face. And I'm wondering, "Why???"

I know a certain friend/fellow blogger who wears make-up to races...that's right, I just called her out. She's happily married and beautiful without make-up, but wears it. And honestly, she's the LAST person I'd suspect would wear make-up to a race.

So, apparently I've missed a memo somewhere about wearing make-up to races. All I know is that I look much better after a race without make-up on, than I would after a race with make-up running down my face.

It shouldn't surprise any of you, based on this post, to know that I also don't get all dressed up to get groceries. I mean, if I happen to already look nice, then yes...but I don't put a bunch of effort into looking good - for the grocery store. My mom is one of those, "you should ALWAYS look your best, because HE could be there." Well, he hasn't been there yet (and I've looked nice a few times) I don't plan on extending the additional effort.

Does anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this? Am I missing something?


Jen Rife said...

LOL! You should consider it a favor to you that I wear make-up to workout... No one should have to see me without it!!

Honestly though, it's a confidence issue. I feel weird and self-conscious without at least a little mascara. (A little FYI, having blonde eyelashes makes my eyes look bald. It's not cute!!)

P.S. I can also argue a similar case against certain girls (i.e. YOU!) who wear the cute little matchy-matchy running outfits. There is nothing wrong with running in an oversized cotton T-shirt and mesh basketball shorts that you've had since high school. :)

HBM said...

Ha! I've seen you without's NOT hideous!

LOL on the "outfits!" I do NOT have outfits on purpose, most of them are accidents that happen to match. And I spent plenty of years wearing the old cotton shirts, but just can't do it anymore! :-)