Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NKOTB are back!

In case you haven't heard, NKOTB, otherwise known as New Kids On The Block, are back! Oh yes, it's true folks! I realize not many can say this, but I have the privelage of having seen them TWICE in my lifetime.

I was a big fan of the New Kids back when I was a crazy junior high teenager. I'll admit it, Joey was my fave, he was just SO dreamy! I honestly thought Joey and I would end up together...somehow.

My friend Carly had to review the concert and was kind enough to invite me along. For those of you who had lost respect for me, thinking I ordered and PAID for tickets, please know, they were FREE! This was purely for the entertainment factor and boy, was I entertained! Thanks Carly!

We had a great group of 4 fantastic girls and we headed to Moline to see NKOTB at the I Wireless Center.

I don't know how else to describe the whole thing - it was CRAZY! You would not believe how many people were decked out in their 80's gear and rockin' NKOTB clothes, buttons, dolls... The 4 of us apparently didn't get the memo...we wore NORMAL clothing.

All 5 guys appeared from a cloud of smoke and began the concert rockin' their vintage material. Let's just say they rocked the same dance moves as well. It was hilarious, but I don't think it was supposed to be funny. It's a little weird to watch Joey sing "Please Don't Go Girl" in his adult mature voice.

Apparently, Jordan and Joey both had solo careers? I was unaware (yes, Jen, I know my mom gave me Joey's solo CD for a Christmas prank gift). But, I really didn't know those two went solo...or I blocked it out. So, part of the concert paid homage to their super awesome solo albums. The high point of Jordan's performance was unbuttoned white shirt blowing open to reveal his bare chest. Wow...very exciting stuff.

My favorite part of the concert was when Donnie came out... I was nervous, because I knew for sure he hadn't done a solo album. Well, he wanted to sing "Cover Girl" by himself, to all the single ladies in the audience. Do you know why? It's because HE hasn't found HIS cover girl yet, ladies! So, if any of you want some Donnie W. (Jen), he's still available! After "Cover Girl," Donnie planted a big disgusting kiss on some woman in the front row. She about passed out, I'm fairly certain I would have slugged him. The other awesome Donnie moment came at the end of the show. Donnie held up a huge white banner that said, "Go Green. Save a John Deere, ride a Wahlberg!" Gross!

Carly and I held our breath the whole concert, fearing they'd never perform "Hangin' Tough" & "Step By Step." But, NKOTB never disappoint, they closed the show with them!

While I knew NONE of their current "hits," I did find myself remembering the choruses from the oldies. I also figured out that it was ridiculous for me to ever like the New Kids. Here are a few reasons why:

1) I only liked ONE member, Joey. I honestly couldn't stand the rest of them. Why would I buy their junk for one guy? (Remember those big buttons? I had several!)
2) They weren't any good! Oh my gosh, how I wish I would have seen/heard how bad they were and been cool enough not to succumb to them!
Please enjoy the pics, I took way more than I'd like to admit, but come on, who knows if there will ever be another NKOTB reunion? :-)

1 comment:

Jen Rife said...

I'll be Donnie's Cover Girl any day! Love them bad boys!

Glad you posted this so the whole world can know what a huge New Kids fan you are. No shame in that. ;)