Monday, April 12, 2010

T Minus 3 weeks...

The LaCrosse Marathon is creeping ever so much closer...less than 3 weeks away!

I ran my 3rd and final 20 miler this past Saturday. After a brief experience with allergies on Friday, I was thrilled to feel 100% ready to run Saturday morning. The goal was to feel strong throughout and make sure my GU/water stops were very brief. Mission accomplished!

I met our local running club and ran the first few by myself. Then, I ran a stretch of 6 miles with a girl I had just met that morning. Again, a very cool by-product of running...making a new buddy in minutes! So, I ended up running about 13 of it by myself.

I felt pretty good throughout, with no major issues or moments of frustration. My last 2 miles were the only 2 over 9:00, so I was pleased with that. I ran this 3rd 20 miler in 2:56, which is pretty much what I ran the other two in. So, at least I'm consistent, right?

I just need to carry that through for the final 6.2 miles! That's where I typically get into I really really really really really really hope I can push past that this time, and break 4:00!

I remember the first 20 milers I did and they took well over 3 hours...with a LOT of walking. Now, while I may stop for a quick water break, for the most part, I can run the whole distance. We can do anything we set our minds to!

On another note, I registered for the Marine Corps Marathon last Wednesday! Honestly, when I first started to think about running a marathon, THIS is the one I wanted to do. Four years later, here I go!

My dad was a Marine and served proudly in Vietnam. He and my stepmom will be coming out to the race and he is VERY excited. My brother is also running the race, so that will be cool. I also know a few others running. The race is on 10/31/10, but already it's all I can think about...I need to pace myself. :-)

I have a 5K this Saturday and am looking forward to it. Of course I'd like to PR, but I'll be happy having a good race and supporting a good cause, victims of domestic violence.

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