Saturday, July 31, 2010

Catch up...

Ooh, yet again, it's been a while since my last post. I guess life got a little too busy for me this past month! Let's see, what have I been up to?

This past February I auditioned for a local CR production called, "Follies." I'd heard of it before, but had never seen it, so I really wasn't sure what to expect. Basically, it's a variety of singing and dancing acts - this year's theme was "Viva Las Vegas."

We've been rehearsing since May, but the schedule became really crazy in July, when we neared opening night. The show (all 6 of them!) went really well. I was very fortunate to have many family and friends come and support me. I think I had someone at nearly every show!

I'm glad I did it, because it gave me the opportunity to do something I love, singing. I mean, I sing at weddings and church, but this was different. I also met some super fun people and had a great time!

Thanks to all who came to see the show - it meant a lot to have some "fans" in the audience!

OK, in addition to Follies, I began training for marathon #8 (Marine Corps). This new plan (Run Less, Run Faster) is a tough one. But, I think the change up in training will ultimately be good for me.

I went to Adventureland with a few friends a couple weeks ago. I hadn't been there since I was a little one, so it was fun to be a kid for the day. We had a great time, but there is one lesson I learned in a big way. Do NOT. I repeat, do NOT go on the Silly Silo as an adult. It will not work out for you, I promise. The Silly Silo was my fave ride as a kid, but not so much as a grown-up.

Then it was vacation time and I traveled to Denver, CO to visit my brother and sister-in-law. I had a good time and it was fun to be in Colorado again. I even met up with a random running club for my long run. It was so fun!

I really miss living out there and would love to live there again some day. (Too bad it isn't cheap!)

Now it's back to work and marathon training!

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