OK, I'd like to set the record straight for what is appropriate to say to a tall girl. I've been taller than other girls most of my life and I've heard about everything there is to say.
I think it's safe to say, for the most part, that tall girls are already a little self conscious of their height. We don't need it pointed out to us on a regular basis.
Case in point:
Yesterday morning, at work, I was downstairs with a couple of male co-workers/friends. One of them, we'll call him "Sid," says to me, "Are you wearing heels today, because you seem taller? I mean, you're already a mammoth..."
Oh yes folks, you read that right, he said MAMMOTH! Now, I had not provoked this in any way. The first word to describe me and my crazy tallness was MAMMOTH. I was shocked! I know he wasn't really serious, but I had to give him a hard time.
When we were back up on our floor, I made sure everyone knew what he said. (joking around of course) I told him that in no way would any tall girl take being described as a mammoth, as a compliment.
I then sent a picture of a mammoth to him and asked, "What makes me so similar - my tusks or my ability to walk on all fours?"
This guy happens to be on the shorter side and it later occurred to me that I don't point out to him or other guys like him how short they are!
PLEASE do NOT point out to me or other tall girls that we're tall. Guess what? I know! I'm fully aware of my height and I'm fine with it.
One more tip:
Do NOT say, "You're a big girl." Guess what, just because we're tall doesn't mean we're BIG. I really don't consider myself a big gal and who would WANT to hear that anyway?
This is a public service announcement dedicated to all you tall, beautiful ladies out there!
Friday, October 17, 2008
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I love the part about how you sent him pics of a mammoth! Hilarious.
I do feel bad. In Jr. High I used to call a girl I didn't like, TG. TG=Tall Girl. I was a little biatch though.
Hi, got here from ELF's pregnancy comments. Tall girls. What are we talking here? My female boss at work is 5'11 or 6 feet. One of my favourite dance partners is 6 feet in her socks, and wears 3 inch heels when dancing. I have several female buddies nearly 6 foot. In my books these are not particularly tall women. Now, one dance class, I was the tallest guy, and my dance partner for the entire day was so tall I had to reach *UP* to put my hands on her shoulders. She said she was 6'9. Now *that's* a tall girl.
Great idea on the mammoth photo!
i am ELF's sister...tall girls are awesome! i only wish i were taller.
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