Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's WORKOUT Resolutions

OK, as I walked into my gym tonight, after driving around for what felt like 20 minutes - searching for a parking spot, I was annoyed. I don't know why I'm surprised every January by the massive crowds that inundate my gym. Yes, I know it's not MY gym, but I feel it's more my gym than theirs. It happens every year...things are going along great, I have no trouble getting a treadmill or finding a space in the cardio class. And then, January and the New Year's resolutions hit!

I've talked with my friends about this before. People, I beg you, please DON'T join the gym! You and I both know what will happen. You'll all come maybe 4-5 days a week for 8 weeks, then you'll quit. Those 8 weeks are pure torture for the rest of us all year-round gym goers. We have to wait in line for the treadmill or any other equipment. I'm not exaggerating either - when I walked into the gym tonight, EVERY single piece of cardio equipment was taken.

We all know I'm not really serious about this, because I believe everyone should take the steps to be healthy and active. I just had to rant because this happens every year and it drives me absolutely crazy!


Jen Rife said...
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Jen Rife said...

I'm planning on joining a gym this week - no lie - but only because I need to get moving on my swim workouts. I know what you're talking about though. We used to wait until after supper to go to the gym. The crowds diminish significantly when the "after work" people leave.

stacycaye said...

I feel ya girl! I was once you, and now I'm then. That is why I'm doing it at home so not to annoy the yous and the past mes of the world ;-)

stacycaye said...
